Smocking, Anyone?

July 7, 2008

Do you l-o-v-e smocking? Then you have to go see Cheryl’s blog and Etsy store! You will marvel at her extraordinary workmanship. The attention to detail will melt your brain. Enjoy!

Saturday Rosary: Storming Heaven for a Miracle

July 3, 2008

Please join us–and spread the word if you can. I know it’s very short notice, but I’m putting this devotion into Mary’s hands; may the Holy Spirit make it happen.

We are praying for a dear man named Galen to be healed of cancer, and are asking particular intercession of John Paul the Great and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (they both only need one more miracle for canonization).

Saturday, July 5th:
1 pm Pacific (US)
2 pm Mountain
3 pm Central
4 pm Eastern

Worldwide times are per your local time zone so that we’re all praying the rosary at the same time.

The Backstory…

When Hub was deployed this last time, I had made a comment to a fellow rosary maker and friend, Doris, that Middlin *loved* one of her rosary designs. [If you have ever been a single mother to boys (geographically or otherwise), you know how woefully inept it feels to try and be two parents. A soldier’s children make countless hidden sacrifices during deployments–they are the real heroes of the home front.]

I didn’t give the conversation any more thought between the distractions of the deployment and homeschooling. Lo and behold, a few days later a package arrived for Middlin from Ms. Doris. He was taken completely by surprise and had no idea what on earth could be inside. He opened up the package and inside was the most handsome rosary, handmade just for him by this dear, dear lady.

It’s things like that that touch your heart and stay with you forever. Someone who took the time and effort to go so far out of their way for such a kindness: these moments are all kept forever in my heart.

Several months ago the shock came that Doris’s husband, Galen, was diagnosed with lung cancer. We prayed along with other rosary maker friends (and many, many other folks) for his healing and he pulled through beautifully. The cancer was gone. Until this week; it’s back and has spread.

What can you do when you are 1800 miles away and helpless to help your friends? You pray. And you ask your friends to pray. And everyone you know, plus the rest of everybody who you don’t know. We may not be able to be there to bring food, run errands, lend housekeeping chores, mow the lawn or drive to the pharmacy. But we can come together from every corner of the country and the world, at the same time, and storm heaven for the healing of Galen. We can beg God for this miracle through the intercession of John Paul II and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. What a grace that healing would be!

So…if you’re not doing anything Saturday, please join us! And if you are doing something, please join us anyway, or offer a rosary for this intention when you can. You’re welcome to link back here or track back or however the blogosphere works, but I do hope you’ll join us in praying for this most precious miracle.

Jesus, I trust in You.

God bless, and thank you –