Thank a Hero!

November 11, 2008


Happy Veteran’s Day!

Our freedom is a precious gift, and for that, we thank our Lord, our leaders and our servicemembers.  It’s so easy to take for granted because life as we know it keeps on going in the good ol’ U.S. of A.  Only in mindful appreciation, though, do we have a chance of keeping that freedom and understanding the true meaning of the word.

We thank our own veterans today: Hub, his dad, his brothers and sister; my granpa, my dad, and my brother.  Without their service, and the service of millions before them, we wouldn’t be who we are or the help of other nations who dream of freedom.

So thank a Veteran today!  Tell them how much you love and appreciate their sacrifice, and pray for time to take soften the memories of the horrors of their eyes and for Christ to truly be in all of us.  If you want to do something more, head on over to and buy a cow, a goat or a duck in honor of your Veteran (we gave Hub a trio of rabbits–what fun!).  There’s no greater thanks than to help others realize their own self-reliance.

God bless you and may God bless America!